In Memoriam for Dr. Robert E. Raymond 1914 - 2010

The Retirement Years

(Please note there are 3 pages to this website: The Early Years, Retirement Years, & Obituary.)

My mother and father retired to Wolfeboro, New Hampshire where they had a house built with a partial view of Lake Winnipesaukee in Robin Acres. For number of years they enjoyed the four seasons that New Hampshire so splendidly offers its residents. He enjoyed lots and lots of golf, traveling to Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii. My parents continued with their square dancing and playing bridge with friends, puttering around their property, skiing in the winter, and fishing in the summer on Lake Winnipesaukee.

However, like so many other retirees, they eventually headed to the relatively warm weather of Florida during the winter months buying two condos in Silver Springs Florida on a golf course.

My parents finally decided to sell their Robin Acre home and move into a two bedroom condo at the newly built Sugar Hill retirement community with its scenic location. My father remained there, moving from his large apartment to their assisted living area until his stroke in 2006.

He was moved to the Amsterdam Nursing Home in New York City right after Thanksgiving in 2006 after a major stroke in the early fall. It was quite a culture shock for this country mouse, but he adapted quite well. My father continued to exercise at the ANH geri gym every day, determined he was going to walk out of ANH.
I learned a lot about my father during these past four years. He would constantly surprise me with his observations and comments, pushing my buttons in his impish way to see how I would react.

Well, Dad, you are free now.

A winter view of their house at Robin Acres.
After retiring from Slippery Rock University, my parents moved to Wolfeboro, NH. Taken in front of their house in Robin Acres.
Another picture on the front steps of their Robin Acre house.
1979 trip to Sunday River MAine with the Churchills and Johnsons.
Retirement in Wolfeboro NH. A winter walk through the woods near Robin Acres.
Square dancing was another activity my parents enjoyed for a number of years.
This picture was taken as they left for an evening of dancing in Wolfeboro.
1989 A celebration in Welllfleet MA for the 75th (I believe) wedding anniversary of my mother's oldest sister.
1990 Colonial Country Club- 12 under.
1990 Kingswood Golf Club where my father played and taught golf for many years.
1991 Walpole Country Club- 8 under.
My father and Dave Pollini A newspaper clipping of the 2nd place finish at the NH Pro Tournament in North Conway.
1991 Friends and fellow golfers, the Churchills, with my parents in Ocala, Florida.
Square dancing with my mother wearing another colorful outfit.
Another Gilliatt group photo in Wellfleet.
Myrtle Beach for an annual golfing outing.
You would think that with all the golf my father played
there would be more pictures of him swinging a club.
And another Myrtle Beach annual golfing outing.
A trip to Australia and New Zealand with a group.
Another advenuture- a trip to Hawaii.
1990- A summer visit to Mimi and Gramps.
1991-My parent's 50th wedding anniversary.
My parent's 50th wedding anniversary celebration in 1991.
This is a picture of the Raymond branch
at the 1994 family reunion of the Gilliatt Tribe.
Wellfleet MA - Doris Handy between Edith and Henry Atwood.
1997 in front yard of Robin Acres home- summer.
1998-My parents moved into a retirement community called Sugar Hill.
Bob and Peggy Raymond.
In 2000 my father was inducted into the Slippery Rock University Athletic Hall of Fame.
2000-The Slippery Rock University Athletic Hall of Fame ceremony with of my father's former students / golfers.
2003 Another Gilliatt reunion in Wellfleet MA.
My father with my sister, Pat, and her children- rt to left: Amy, Corey, Sara.
2003 Another Gilliatt reunion in Wellfleet MA.
My father with the Sakayamas- Lynne, Bob, Rue and Zebe.
2004 portrait taken by me on a visit to Sugar Hill, an independent adult community in Wolfeboro, NH.
2005 At his 68th Springfield college reunion
there were two other classmates who attended.
2005 My father drove to Springfield MA to attend his 68th college reunion.
Certificate acknowledging my father as a Shriner Clown.
Shriner clown "Bubbling Bob". His outfit was made by my mother.
Shriner clown "Bubbling Bob" with grandchildren, Rue(left) and Zebe(right.
Shriner clown "Bubbling Bob" ready to leave for a Shriner's Parade in NH.
He really enjoyed marching in the parades and making balloon animals for little kids.
2007- Halloween Party at Amsterdam Nursing Home. My father went as..."Bubbling Bob!"
2008- Halloween Party at Amsterdam Nursing Home. My father went as..."Bubbling Bob!" and met another familiar looking clown.
2009- Halloween Party at Amsterdam Nursing Home. AND my father went as..."Bubbling Bob!"
I moved my father to Amsterdam Nursing Home in NYC after his last major stroke in Sept 2006.
He lived there for the past four years.
We took many walks around the neighborhood.
The cathedral of St John the Divine is just across the street.
2006-My father's first room Amsterdam Nursing Home with his computer set up.
Marlene, my father's regular morning aid at ANH.
She is an exceptional, caring person who made a huge difference in my father's last 3 1/2 years.
2008-That's my father, messing around for the camera
an ANH aid had brought in.
2008-Because of the efforts of a grand niece, my father re-connected with his relatives from Agawam MA who visited him several times.
2008-If my father wanted just a short walk, we would visit the prayer garden on the grounds of St John the Divine.
A wonderful sanctuary with lovely flowers in the spring and summer months.
Within the grounds of St John the Divine the peacocks roost on cars, the fences, and stone walls.
2008-Visiting a street fair held on Broadway, just a block away from his nursing home. Wearing new "shades".
2008-Grand daughters, Zebe and Rue take Gramps for a walk
through St John the Divine Cathedral just acoss the street from the nursing home.
2008-Christmas day visit in my father's room at ANH.
May 3 2009 Celebrating his 95th birthday at a nearby restaurant.
2009- Another visit from my one of my father's niece and nephew (2 of his brother, Harold's children) with other family members.
2009-Springtime in the prayer garden at St John the Divine.
2009-One of our many walks around his Morningside Heights
/ Columbia University neighborhood.
2009- We often walked through the Columbia University campus.
2009-Zebe and Rue take Gramps for a walk.
2009-A Thanksgiving visit from grandchildren Zebe and Rue.
2009-Christmas decorations on the 10th floor at ANH.
There is s competition to see which floor can outdo the others. The 10th floor won 3 yrs in a row!
May 3, 2010
Celebrating his 96th birthday in the dining room on the 10th floor at ANH.
A walk in the spring with all the tulips
in bloom along Morningside Heights-2010.
2010-A favorite walk was in the gardens of St John the Divine.
We always kept a look out for the white and regular colored peacocks. Notice the Boston Red Sox hat!
The Early Years       Retirement Years       Obituary      

In Memoriam for Dr. Robert E. Raymond 1914 - 2010